The Strange tale of Dr Wilkins
A Victorian Transformation Melodrama
By N. Bear (with thanks to Mr. Robert L Stevenson)
It is still with some trepidation I write these words, even after some time has passed.
In the summer of 1887 I came across the text of Mr. Stevenson. Reading between the lines I determined that the titular Dr Jekyll (God rest his soul) had actually succeeded with his experiments.
Fascinated and through a contact from the Gentleman's club I managed to procure the good Doctors research notes and material.
After, I must boast, a short time I was able to replicate the work. But how to avoid unleashing the beast?
I then theorized that if the drug brought out the primal essence in man, then what if I provided another essence?
Those of another man would still bring out the bestial nature, but that of a woman, would hopeful be of a calming nature, allowing me achieve Dr. Jekyll dream.
By the autumn I had finally managed to develop a method of extracting the essence from woman. Now all I needed was a sample of skin, hair or fluids from a woman to extract there essence and complete my experiments.
A few days after I had finished Mary, my housemaid, informed me that my sister Rose was in the lounge and wished to talk to me on an urgent manner.
With growing hope I went to the lounge, and to a day unlike any other.
The Laboratory
This simple white room acts as my laboratory. The room is plainly decorated, its only flourish being a chart of the work of Dr. Mendeleyev. The centre of the room is dominated by a large oak table where I do my work. On the table is the equipment for creating tinctures
Stair lead upwards to my lounge.
Also here is the base tincture, the essence extractor and a flyer.