The Search for Mr. Smith
Version 3.90
A few things to remember while you are playing this game:
- If you run into an ally, always use this format: Ask [name of character] about [subject]. It would be a good idea to ask them about himself or herself.
-Anything you ask a character must be in one word, i.e., you wouldn't be able to ask that person "how are you".
-If you get stuck, try different things. This game isn't impossible, and most items have a use.
-To check your status or the status of anyone else, type status (if it's another person include thier name). The number in parentheses is the maximum for that quality, and the number before it is your current. The present number can outnumber the current if you are wearing body armor or carrying a weapon.
-It's a good idea to check the status of an enemy before engaging in battle. If their attack force is stronger than your defense, you will take damage. If your stamina reaches 0, you will die.
-You can only carry so many objects at a time.
Sit back and enjoy the game!
You hear your radio beep.
The voice on the other end says:
"This is your officier, Mr. Jones
Welcome to the mansion. The reason you have been sent here is to investigate a missing person, Mr. Smith- the owner of this mansion. We don't know what happened to him but he disappeared a few days ago. He was supposed to show up for a police board meeting but never did. We were unable to contact him anywhere, and his family members and friends said they didn't know what happened to him. Well, we are sending you to find him and see if he is okay, gumshoe. He has a bad leg and he might have fallen and is unable to get up.
Over and out"
The Hall
This is the back enterence to the house. It is where you begin your adventure.