Be There!
The message on your phone is clear enough:
"I will be honest: I am disappointed by how this was handled. There is still some chance to fix this, we have a meeting with the client at 1:45 today, in the Starbucks at the IDS center. BE THERE!"
...your phone dies a quarter-second after you finish reading the message.
Well, your mission is simple enough: get to the IDS Center, and don't be late. It's not that far: basically due Northeast of here. Better not get distracted...
Cold winds roll through downtown Minneapolis as you tuck your phone away, you might need a light jacket from your apartment upstairs (you can get to your apartment by going "in")...but do you have enough time?
Goddamn it, today is terrible.
(Move by typing cardinal directions, and up, down, in, and out). You can LOOK, GET, and USE various objects, but you can't DROP them...why would you? You'll never need to USE an object "on" another object...just type "USE object" at various locations to solve puzzles...or don't, because you really should be getting to that meeting.)
Your Neighborhood
The time is 1:30
A cold wind whips through your neighborhood. Leaves clatter on the freezing concrete. You are briefly unsure of where to go... Exits are north, west, in and northeast.