Your office

This game was created using Campbell Wild's Adrift V.5

Thanks to the following beta testers.
In no particular order:

Christopher Conley:
Thanks for pointing out some critical errors and having the patience to keep testing.

Søren Skogstad Nielsen:
A fellow Dane, which doesn't mean he cut me any slack along the way.
This was his first attempt in testing an Adrift game which proved incredibly valuable to me.

Steven Odhner:
Who, not only patiently corrected my mistakes but also came up with quite a few interesting ideas which, I believe, has made this game better.

Nick Rogers:
Who, not only helped with my spelling and grammar but also gave suggestions on how to make the text sound right.

By F.Rosenloev
Created using Adrift V.5 developer

A sorry unshaven face stares back at you from the flyspecked mirror. Is this the same guy who returned from Camelot only a few years ago? Sadly you must admit: This is you, Joe Gatling!

A long time has passed since your return from Camelot, and you still find yourself having a hard time believing that you were actually transferred from modern day New York to medieval England and the legendary Camelot.
Your once so bright future suddenly turned sinister with the arrival of your latest bank statement. To your horror you discovered that the wealth you received for services well done at Camelot had sort of dwindled away between your fingers and you were left with the unpleasant reality that you would have to look for a job.
One morning, browsing through the Sunday papers an advert caught your eye. “We'll make a certified detective out of you in ten easy lessons!” This tantalizing offer was more than you could withstand. Four weeks and your last five thousand dollars later, you received your diploma.

Unfortunately, things didn't go the way you planned. Jobs didn't come pouring in. The only people lining up outside your office were the goons from the loan sharks you got a little too involved with. To tell the truth business is slow… VERY slow! You spend the better part of the day checking the telephone cord to see if it has fallen out of the socket, or restlessly lifting the receiver to check if the phone is still connected.

This lazy afternoon finds you in your dusty office. Dark clouds are gathering above the building and a gloom engulfs the town suiting your mood perfectly. Not that you notice any of this of course, your mind is busy solving your latest case “What am I going to do for the rest of the day?”
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