One Big Empty
You're feeling so healthy it's disgusting!
The Wumpus Run

Wumpus Hunting will never become "the sport of Kings" ... too many risks involved for royalty (although, they have been known to allow any number of fools, er, adventurers, to partake on their behalf). Let's not be under any delusions here ... this is one tough, but very lucrative, occupation ... for those with the guts and caving savvy to attempt "The Run". Winning this biannual event will enable you to retire quite comfortably and live off the winnings for many years to come.

The objective of the competition is quite simple really ... get the Wumpus before it gets you. There are a significant number of statistical analyses available, for you to consult at your leisure, on the performance of  previous participants ... however, for the sake of expediency, to sum up: "you either make it or you don't!"

This is a contest as much about using your wits as it is about defeating an enemy, So use them and keep an accurate map of where you go and where you've been as the tunnels and passage can twist and turn and can be quite disorienting ... you don't map, you don't live! Simple!

The rules are very simple ...
1: You enter a cavern complex of about 20 locations with a lantern, a starblade and possibly your last meal.

2: You must move through the network of tunnels and caves (trying to be as quiet as possible), sneak up on the Wumpus and kill it by throwing the starblade at it.

3: Return to the rope ladder (where you entered the complex), before your lantern runs out to claim your prize ... remember, no one has yet returned after losing their light!

For clarification of potential hazards, please refer to your contract.

That's about it really ... are you up for the challenge?

PS: Hints are available if you need them.


Well, this is it! This is your big chance to make a lot of money in a very short space of time (the faster you do this the more you will earn) OR die in an equally short timeframe. The choice is yours ...

The long climb down has left you a bit shaky, but then that could also be just an increase in adreneline. The sounds of the cheering crowd have long since faded into the distance, along with the only remaining sunlight from the entrance hole.

Your starblade is securely attached to your belt, you have a small amount of food in your pouch and a full lantern burning brightly in your hand. OK, the lantern isn't going to last all day so you'd better have at it, hmmm? Have a look and see what you have let yourself in for ...
The long rope ladder is hauled up into the gloom above ... your only link to the outside world is now out of your reach.

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