The Sisters
You slowly drift into consciousness. Where are you? What happened? What's that...that copper taste in your mouth?
This brings you round with a start. Your head hurts. Your vision comes back into focus...and then you remember.
You had been driving - it was raining hard. You were lost. You don't know Sussex well, and you had no idea how you had got here. You were just about to turn around and go back can't remember...
Wait! The girl! She can't have been more than ten years old! She was wearing a flowery dress and had long blonde hair. She ran out into the road in front of you and you swerved...
You must have crashed the car. You gingerly feel your forehead. You are bleeding, but otherwise you seem to be fine. But what about the girl? Did you hit her? You're not sure. You need to get out of the car and check...
Sitting in the driving seat of your car.
You are sitting in the driving seat of your car. Looking through the windows you see that you are surrounded by a thick clump of trees and it is getting dark. How long were you out? The seatbelt probably saved your life, but now it is stretched painfully across your chest. The front window is smashed but the dashboard and glovebox seem intact - although they are smeared with your blood...