Wax Worx
by Eric Mayer
For more information and special instructions for this game type INFO.
You awake to the dull, wavering red light of a distant blaze. Not firelight, you realize, just the fitful illumination from a flickering exit sign.
Your head's pounding. Your fingers find an indentation above the left temple. The result of a fall? That would explain why you're lying on the floor. And more importantly why you can't remember where you are. Or who you are.
You touch the side of your head again, gingerly. Concussion? Skull fracture? The headache could be the result of a blood clot in the brain.
Wherever you are, you'd better get out fast.
From your prone position you can't see much more than the trembling patterns the red light makes on the floor. The floor feels cool against your cheek.